WordPress SEO Tips: Optimizing Pages & Posts

Technology has changed the way of our living. First, we used to sell face to face and people used to roam around the markets to buy stuff. But this is not the case now. 

Buying online has become so easy that people can order from anywhere they want to. 

Even the children are aware of shopping online and the process is so easy that they complete the process of online shopping without any hassle. 

Have you ever wondered where did all this come from? It began when the world wide web came into existence. Before people didn’t know the importance of making an online presence, but now the scenario has changed. 

From big business owners to entrepreneurs to small-scale industries, everyone has their online website where they showcase their services and products. 

Why is it Important to Have a website?

In this modern era, online presence is very important. Whether you are selling headbands or have a few stocks present in your shop, you need to have a website to showcase your brand identity. 

A website is your brand’s identity that portrays what type of work you do and whom do you serve. It gives information to your users about the services and products you offer to the masses. 

However, it is not only important to have a website but to rank it top on the search engine is also important. 

If your users are unable to find you on Google then it is useless to have a website that provides information.

To improve your search engine, it is important to have Search Engine Optimization (SEO) done on your website. 

What is Search Engine Optimization?

SEO is done to improve the ranking of a website. It helps to increase the traffic on a website with the help of organic searches. Many people ask that who needs to have SEO on their website. SEO is important for every site. 

If you want your website to be ranked top on Google or any other search engine, then SEO is the answer to it. If you don’t want your website to be like a dead body lying on the second or third page of Google’s search engine, then get your website optimized now. 

Have a look at the tips below that will help you boost traffic on your WordPress website organically. 

1. Install Yoast SEO Plugin

The SEO Yoast plugin in WordPress provides better keyword analysis. It is composed of advanced algorithms that generate sitemaps automatically and provide other optimization options as well. The best thing about it is that the Yoast plugin is free and millions of people have installed it for better results. 

2. Avoid Plagiarism

Avoiding plagiarism is the foremost thing that must be done for SEO. No user wants to have plagiarized content.

Content containing plagiarism can be removed from the site as soon as it is discovered. Plagiarized content is discouraged by everyone.
You can remove plagiarism in your content by using an online article rewriter. An article rewriter rewrites your content which changes the words and hence, removes plagiarism.

These can be helpful for better and unique SEO content.

This tool is available online for free. Everyone can access to this tool easily.

It swaps the words with their synonyms but doesn’t change the sense of the word. The nature is preserved, and the content becomes plagiarism-free.

3. Keyword Research

Keyword research is the basic step in search engine optimization. Without optimizing keywords, there are very rare chances of a website to rank higher on the search engine. Keywords are targeted words that are searched often by people and are related to your business. 

For example, if you have a website of beauty products then you should add all those keywords that are related to beauty products and are searched more on Google.

Look out for the focus keyword on your website and avoid filling up a lot of keywords that are of no use. That focus keyword will be used in your website’s content and in blogs and newsletters that you will publish. 

There are many types of keywords but they should be organized correctly. Use long-tail keywords when needed and when you need more keywords then use general keywords that target the audience. Keywords play a greater role in boosting traffic on the website. It is an essential step of SEO that should not be missed when a website is live on the web. 

4. Optimize images with Alt Tags

As Google can read the text that you have added to your website, it is also capable of reading the text on the images that you have uploaded on your website. The text that is used on the images is called image alt tags

WordPress SEO plugins allow users to add image alt tags when uploading any image on their site. This tag is shown on the website when you scroll your mouse on the image. You will rank higher if the name of your image is unique and searched mostly. 

5. Avoid Duplicate URLs

Make sure every URL of your website is unique and not duplicated. There should only be one version of a URL that should redirect to a page. This can affect your SEO and make an impression on your rankings. 

Canonical tag also helpful to avoid duplicate URLs.

6. Use User-Friendly URLs

Many websites have long URLs that are not much tidy. URLs that are shorter and contain keywords or content from the website are usually better and user-friendly. 

7. Add Meta Tags and Meta Description

Meta tags and meta descriptions are other important steps in SEO that should not be missed on any of the pages of your website. 

When writing meta descriptions, be sure to use your words wisely. They are usually written in less than 160 characters…which is about a couple of sentences.

You should also take care to add your focus keyword in the meta description.

8. Include Keywords in the Content

Whether you are selling services on your website or marketing your products, content is very important. Content is the king. It plays a major role in boosting traffic to your website. Don’t avoid keeping content on your website. Each page should contain content that should have focus keywords. 

People search for a dozens of things in just a minute and your one focus keyword can bring millions of users to your website daily. Use your words wisely. 

The content should be grammatically correct should be easy to understand so that Google’s algorithms can read it and add it to its database for better search results. 

Both Google and your target audience need content to get to our website. If this is not there, then you will never be found from a pool of websites.

9. Internal Linking

Internal linking is one of the important steps of SEO that is usually missed out by many websites. Create internal links in your website by redirecting a post or a page to another page of your website. 

It is quite helpful in SEO because the user spends more time on your website through this strategy. Either choose a word or an image where the user clicks and gets automatically redirected to a page of your website. In this way you can increase your searches and site navigation can also be improved. 

10. Check if Your Website is Mobile Responsive  

In this tech-savvy age, people are more friendly with their smartphones instead of computers and laptops. People mostly use mobile phones when they are shopping online. 

Websites that are not mobile-friendly may be immediately rejected by the users and they may switch on to another one. Therefore, make sure to have a mobile responsive website. 

If you are selling your products online, then your website should be user-friendly for the users who open it on their smartphones. An increase in page load and errors can cause exits on your site that can give a bad impression on your rankings. Always check for mobile responsiveness once the site goes live.


1. Insert Sitemap

Insert XML sitemap to improves the structure of your WordPress site and ensure better crawling. It will provide a transparent picture of your site’s structure to look upon engines which, among other things, will increase your chances to attain Google site links.

However, WordPress users have the benefit of the SEO Yoast plugin that has the power to automatically generate sitemap files for you.

2. Submit Your Sitemap to Google Search Console

After creating an XML sitemap file, you need to submit it on the Google Search Console which will allow you to access the data of your website’s status. 

If you haven’t created an account on your Google Search Console, then it is advised you make one and submit your sitemap there. In this way, you will be able to check how many pages and posts have been submitted and how many have been indexed. 

3. Check your Site’s Speed

Your website should not take much time to load as this will irritate the users and there will be more chances of them leaving your website. Check each time that whether your site is taking extra time in loading. 

If this happens then use a tool to make them fast or improve your optimization on the website. Time-taking websites are usually closed just after a second because the level of tolerance in people has decreased hugely. 

4. Create Google Analytics

Creating Google Analytics will help you to educate about how your WordPress SEO is working on your website and which page is performing well. It is quite easy to set up your Google Analytics. You can do it for free too. 

This will allow you to see how many visitors are coming to your website and which page is performing well among the viewers. 

Here you will get all the records of your website and it will also tell you where you need improvements to make your website rank higher on the search engine.

5. Track Your Keywords

As you have invested a lot of time creating targeted keywords for your website, you need to keep a track of it as well to improve your rankings. See where are you ranking on each keyword and work on it if you are not appearing on the search engine. 


SEO is not just this but it is more of it. As time passes Google introduces new algorithms for the websites to compete in an ocean of websites. It is important to work according to the algorithms.

As they are changing rapidly the need to make changes in your site can also appear at any time, therefore it is important to stay updated with Google’s algorithms about search engine optimization.

It may sound easy to do SEO on a website but it may take a month for a website to appear on Google’s search engine and it may take years for a website to appear on Google’s search engine. Each and everything on your site will decide the rank on Google’s pages. You need to be very particular while working on each step.

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